Today we learned about shark senses. Sharks have a large brain to help process the sensory overload they must get from the SEVEN senses they have. They have the five we have plus a lateral line (pressure and vibrations) and the ampullae of lorenzini (electro-reception).
Follow this link for a cool interactive about how shark jaws stick out when they attack their prey! The interactive is down at the bottom.
If you are doing a final project on a shark... check out this new link!
And once again... one try only... how much do you know about sharks? MsJ scored a 1467. Try Shark Weeks Ultimate Shark Challenge to see how much you know.
Polar Vs NonPolar Covalent Bonds
Anyone who has ever had to share something with someone else knows that
sometimes isn't exactly even. Covalent molecules or bonds are no different.
If a ...
6 years ago