we discussed conservation of sharks. Millions of sharks are killed each
year by humans. Some are caught by sport fisherman, some are harvested
for oils, meats, and other things; many of them are being harvested for
their fins. Finning wastes
95% of an animal, and the sharks are often tossed back in the ocean
alive after being finned to die a slow painful death. For more
information, click here.
fins are harvested for shark fin soup. Shark fin soup is considered a
delicacy in some countries and can sell for upwards of a hundred dollars
a bowl.
next thing we talked about was shark attacks. Most shark attacks are
actually provoked by humans. Other shark attacks like bump-and-bites and
hit-and-runs are the shark investigating a human to see if it is
something good to eat. Once the shark tries it, it finds it doesn't like
humans, it will swim away. Unfortunately for us humans, we are not so
tough and kind of squishy and shark attacks damage us.
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7 years ago
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